WWWOFFLE - World Wide Web Offline Explorer - v$version

WWWOFFLE Interactive Configuration Change

Section: $section

Item: $item?{$item}{no-name}

$action?=insert{ The requested change was to insert the entry:

%html[newentry] }{} $action?=before{ The requested change was to insert the entry:


before the entry

%html[oldentry] }{} $action?=after{ The requested change was to insert the entry:


after the entry

%html[oldentry] }{} $action?=replace{ The requested change was to replace the entry:



%html[newentry] }{} $action?=delete{ The requested change was to delete the entry:

%html[oldentry] }{}

$errmsg?{ This change failed and generated the following error message:

%html[errmsg] }{ This change was successful.

You must tell wwwoffled to re-read the configuration file to use this change or edit it.