Version 2.9g of WWWOFFLE released : Sun Mar 27 11:00:00 2011 ------------------------------------------------------------ Bug Fixes: Fix 2038 UNIX time_t problem with SSL certificates. Allow a margin on current time when warning about future timestamps. Check for libgnutls and libgcrypt separately at configure time. New Features: A new option allows passing URLs from browser to server unmodified. Version 2.9f of WWWOFFLE released : Sun Jan 31 19:00:00 2010 ------------------------------------------------------------ Bug Fixes: Some compilation warnings caused by flex have been removed. When making a HEAD request use the cached version if possible. Don't use the libgnutls-config program in the configure script. Only remove "authorization" header if it is "basic" authentication. Send a 304 header when online if cached page won't be refreshed. Clarify SSL/HTTPS error messages and documentation. Clarify last online/offline messages from 'wwwoffle -status'. Perform MIME type tests case insensitively. New Features: A new option to the wwwoffle program closes and re-opens the server log file. Documentation: Several small fixes to documentation. New SSL Features [*]: A faster but less cryptographically secure key generation option is provided. The expiration time of the SSL certificates can be increased from one year. *NOTE* *These only apply if WWWOFFLE is compiled with SSL/https support* Version 2.9e of WWWOFFLE released : Sun Jan 25 16:00:00 2009 ------------------------------------------------------------ Bug Fixes: Handle deflate compression errors. Don't allow wwwoffle program to make requests that won't be got. Handle various encodings of URLs in HTML documents better. Display a note on the monitor form if the page is already monitored. Stopped an error message when refreshing while online. Documentation: Several small fixes to documentation. Version 2.9d of WWWOFFLE released : Wed Jan 23 19:00:00 2008 ------------------------------------------------------------ Bug Fixes: Don't output extra space before XHTML closing tag when modifying HTML. Don't error in case of race condition creating directory. Remove the generation and display of the XML format certificate. Fix bug with decompressing zlib data. Ensure that creating files supplies a permission option. Fetch image URLs stored in style attributes. Documentation: Improve documentation of http-port and https-port configuration file options. New Features: Add a new option to the CensorHeader section called referer-from. Add a new option to the FetchOptions section called iframes (default=no). Version 2.9c of WWWOFFLE released : Sun Jul 15 14:30:00 2007 ------------------------------------------------------------ Bug Fixes: Don't truncate the log file when opening it. Fix some memory leaks and other lint problems. Fix problem with info page for compressed cached files. More fixes for 64-bit compilation. Fix potential crash with case-insensitive wildcard matching. Try to only get IPv4 socket info if no IPv6 addresses on system. Better handling of https error if connection fails. Add more information to fatal errors related to SSL certificates. Version 2.9b of WWWOFFLE released : Fri Feb 16 09:30:00 2007 ------------------------------------------------------------ Bug Fixes: Fix some string allocations. Don't delete the lasttime cached spool file if page was fetched in this session. Fix HTML parsing of '\' inside or outside quoted strings. Make sure that files are truncated when opened. Display non-empty value in monitor page hour-of-day setting for default value. Some documentation updates. New Features: Expired SSL certificates are deleted and replaced. *NOTE* *This only applies if WWWOFFLE is compiled with SSL/https support* WWWOFFLE creates SSL certificates with a 1 year expiry period. When they expire web browsers will start to give errors. If the WWWOFFLE root Certificate Authority certificate expires then all sites will give SSL errors. Deleting the existing WWWOFFLE CA certificate from the browser and installing the new one will fix this problem (the WWWOFFLE CA certificate can be loaded from https://localhost:8443/certificates/root). Version 2.9a of WWWOFFLE released : Sun Aug 13 10:00:00 2006 ------------------------------------------------------------ Bug Fixes: Fix crash with serving CA certificate. On the info page show info for the alias if there is one. Forced refresh headers take precedence over other options again. Makefile config file installation error messages clarified. Fix formatting in wwwoffle.conf manual page. Handle compressed, chunked body of zero length. Remove 'Keep-Alive' header. Remove trailing spaces when parsing headers (fixes header censoring). More fixes for 64-bit compilation. Fix some allocated string lengths. Keep '()' characters in attribute values when modifying HTML. New Features: Added option 'disable-iframe' to ModifyHTML section to disable inline frames. Programs: The wwwoffle-ls program lists only single URL unless a directory name is used. *NOTE* The change to the wwwoffle-ls program means that the hyperestraier indexing script estwolefind may no longer work. Edit estwolefind and in the lines that contain 'wwwoffle-ls' replace '://' with '/'. Version 2.9 of WWWOFFLE released : Sun Apr 2 17:00:00 2006 ---------------------------------------------------------- Bug Fixes: Fix script removal tag attribute confusion. Fix cygwin handling of certificate filenames. Fix so that it works with syslog output. Make sure trusted certificates have valid dates. Detect and fetch background images in table cells. Lower the logging level of some unimportant warning messages. New Features: Added an option 'cookies-force-refresh' so requests with cookies are refreshed. *NOTE* Read all of the notes for the two beta versions as well. Version 2.9-beta-ssl of WWWOFFLE released : Mon Jan 30 19:00:00 2006 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Bug Fixes: Fix configure script AC_INIT and tests for sys/mount.h. Block more Javascript when modifying HTML. Don't change the URL hash for a POST request when fetching it. Don't handle parameter separately from path in URL. Don't split up large writes when no timeout is set. Internal Code Changes: More changes for integer variables on systems where sizeof(long)!=sizeof(int). Change the configure_io_*() functions for each type of IO not each direction. New Features: Added ability to make secure browser connection to WWWOFFLE using HTTPS. Added ability to cache SSL connection data (https) (config file options). Added a page to show information about the SSL certificates stored by WWWOFFLE. Documentation: Add new documentation about HTTPS SSL/TLS security, trust and WWWOFFLE. *NOTE* If you want to enable HTTPS/SSL functions in WWWOFFLE you must enable it when running configure prior to compiling. It is not enabled by default. *NOTE* If you have compiled WWWOFFLE with gnutls there will be a delay the first time that wwwoffled is started and the first time each https server is accessed due to the creation of secure encryption keys. Version 2.9-beta of WWWOFFLE released : Sun Nov 6 14:00:00 2005 --------------------------------------------------------------- Bug Fixes: Fix URL encoding in index pages. Remove warnings compiling with CYGWIN. Make the ssl-allow-port config file option work for port 80. If confirm-requests is enabled don't allow POST/PUT. Warn if timestamp of monitored file cannot be changed. Remove fake URL arguments from aliased URL for POST/PUT. Print internal page headers in ExtraDebug mode. 'wwwoffle -fetch' works in autodial mode. Avoid config editing pages being cached by browser. Be more consistent with removing '#' from URLs in all cases. Handle URLs with URL-encoded hostnames. Handle purge with age=-1 and min-free or max-size set. Break socket writes into small pieces for huge data blocks. Purge from lasttime and prevtime if URL purged from main cache. Internal Code Changes: Lots of internal modifications to remove years of accumulated ugliness. Source code changes to increase speed and reduce memory size. Use 'const' for fixed data arrays and function parameters where possible. Be careful with integer variables on systems where sizeof(long)!=sizeof(int). Reduce code size if compiling without zlib option. New Features: Add a new layer of buffering to avoid large number of small network writes. Add checkboxes to protocol indexes (e.g. /index/http) for deleting multiple. Add reset button (and more if javascript) to clear delete checkboxes. Add the ability to use the Hyper Estraier programs to search the cache. Improve the purge output, print more information about what is happening. Programs: Move the convert-cache and uncompress-cache functions into wwwoffle-tools. Documentation: Remove the file called CONVERT and all references to ancient WWWOFFLE versions. Add new documentation about Hyper Estraier and update other search documents. Tidy the README.1st file. *NOTE* The configure script will enable IPv6 by default if possible. If you explicitly want it disabled you must do this yourself. *NOTE* The URLs for deleting cached web pages has changed. For example '/control/delete-url/?xxx' is now '/control/delete/url?xxx'. *NOTE* The HTML message files no longer have 'localhost' defined, but 'localurl' is used instead (http://$localhost/ -> $localurl/). Version 2.8f of WWWOFFLE never released --------------------------------------- Bug Fixes: When modifying HTML check cache status of link aliases. Fix an error message when executing a change mode script. Version 2.8e of WWWOFFLE released : Sat Jan 29 16:00:00 2005 ------------------------------------------------------------ Bug Fixes: Remove some spurious error messages. Fetching of an aliased page now works. Updated some documentation. Improve display of page contents on info page. New Features: The wwwoffle-mv program now allows changing the URL path. Added a new option cache-control-max-age-0 to ignore 'Cache-Control: max-age=0'. Handle HEAD requests more intelligently when online. Version 2.8d of WWWOFFLE released : Sun Oct 17 14:30:00 2004 ------------------------------------------------------------ Bug Fixes: The add-cache-info option works for xhtml pages. Images and stylesheets etc in xhtml pages are fetched. Info pages show xml/xhtml source. Disallow invalid characters in hostnames. Fix log file ownership. Close file descriptor on log file. Handle stdin, stderr and stdout properly. Don't force errors to stderr if previously disabled. Disable the demoronise-ms-html option if the HTML is UTF-8 etc. Make sure 'wwwoffle -fetch' lists all outgoing URLs. The wwwoffle-tools programs return an error code in case of error. Reset page CSS when using add-cache-info option. Give warning if unexpected URL argument seen for internal URLs. New Features: A URL-SPEC path like '/*/foo*' matches '/foo*' and '/*/foo*' as a special case. New GIF modification code, handles GIF87a and GIF89a formats, more robust. New Options Added an HTMLModify option to fix bad Cyrillic pages (like demoroniser). Added an HTMLModify option to stop marquee scrolling text in HTML. Version 2.8c of WWWOFFLE released : Sat Jun 12 16:00:00 2004 ------------------------------------------------------------ Bug Fixes: Don't hang up when reply-chunked-data is true and doing SSL connections. Don't output WWWOFFLE error page if local CGI output anything. Fix CGI & search file descriptor problem. Print correct number of bytes read from ftp server. Remove memory leak. Add missing header to FTP redirect and don't crash. Fix script handling of DOS format files. Use correct name for keep-cache-if-not-found option webpage template. Make '-d 0' and '-d0' work the same for wwwoffle. Fix passworded pages with changing transfer encodings. Fix problem with missing spacers when sorting by date changed. Add hints to the web pages on how to monitor a URL with special options. Fix bad spacing in the monitor form. Make sure that new temporary files and log file have sensible permissions. Remove possible crash using configuration pages adding item to empty section. Clarify some error messages and documentation. Version 2.8b of WWWOFFLE released : Sat Feb 14 14:30:00 2004 ------------------------------------------------------------ Bug Fixes: Don't write compressed or chunked error messages to the cache. Count raw bytes when deciding if to continue interrupted download. Don't continue interrupted download unless keeping it. Display dates up to 1 year in the monitor index. Fix for 64 bits machines in md5.c. Warn user if /etc/wwwoffle.conf exists when installing. Fix memory corruption problem in CGI code. Remove crash in info pages for replies with no Content-Type. Remove socket timeouts in wwwoffle program because they are in server. Don't let the WDG HTML validator request any pages. Fix some comments, remove unused variables make unneeded global variables static. Add some more pointer checks, free unfreed memory, remove unused function arguments. Don't overwrite the existing outgoing file when requesting URL. Handle file systems where the directory entries are not in the conventional order. Documentation: Add more examples in wwwoffle.conf. Update INSTALL document on permissions after installation. Update FAQ to say that WWWOFFLE might need restarting if changing resolv.conf. Updated the Dutch translated message pages (from Paul Slootman). New Features: Added an option to the wwwoffle program to dump the current configuration. Added a -l option to the wwwoffled server to specify a log file location. Sending a SIGHUP to the wwwoffled server closes and re-opens the log file. Number of bytes transferred from/to the server/client is written to the log. Updated to display bytes transferred information. If 'wwwoffle -offline' stopped fetching 'wwwoffle -online|-fetch' restarts it. Add in the keep-cache-if-not-found option (based on Paul Rombouts patch). Version 2.8a of WWWOFFLE released : Tue Dec 2 18:45:00 2003 ----------------------------------------------------------- Bug Fixes: Fix compilation problems on Win32 (Cygwin). Fixed script error with WWWOFFLE User-Agent. Fixed bugs with detecting type of compressed data. Fixed compilation problems with dietlibc. Fix installation permission problems. Added additional paths to search scripts. Perform a cleaner socket shutdown. Fixed CSS in wwwoffle.css file. Fix potential and actual problems with io functions. New Features: Modify response headers before performing HTML modifications. Documentation: Added FAQ question about Content-Length header. Version 2.8 of WWWOFFLE released : Mon Oct 6 18:30:00 2003 ---------------------------------------------------------- Bug Fixes: Fix some portability problems (C++ comments, flex specifics). Increase the recursion limit for Location headers (now 8). *NOTE* The enable-modify-online option has been removed (there is now no extra penalty to pay to perform modifications online compared to offline) *NOTE* The default location for the configuration file(s) is now /etc/wwwoffle/. Version 2.8-beta of WWWOFFLE released : Thu Sep 4 19:00:00 2003 --------------------------------------------------------------- Bug Fixes: Fix some small memory leaks. Purge unmatched O* and U* files from outgoing. Improve spool error messages. Validate the -d option in wwwoffled. Keep the config file permissions when writing new one. Don't call freeaddrinfo(NULL). Running 'wwwoffle URL' when online now actually fetches the URL. Improve lexical analyser code for EOF condition, speed and new version of flex. Remove some lockfile race conditions. Better handling of non-ASCII URLs when parsing. The info page for a URL now shows all links. Index sorting by file type is case insensitive. Handle & in HTML tags like '&'. Better memory freeing in certain cases. Make the wwwoffle -[drR] options handle spaces before number. Allow wwwoffle program to request recursive fetching of depth 0. FTP requests with passwords work like HTTP. Running 'wwwoffle http://www/bar#foo' now does the right thing. Correctly handle recursive fetch options. Running 'wwwoffle' now does the right thing. Allow files on the local web server with spaces in them. Fix overwriting of old error message with page. Remove title attributes from DontGet images when modifying. Check form entries for unwanted whitespace. New Features: Chunked encoding from servers and to clients is now possible. Changed all HTML output to HTML 4.01 DTD and validated most output pages. Added in a WWWOFFLE stylesheet and some styles to the internal web pages. Removed the use of temporary files between server/cache and client. Remove the Content-Length header on all transfers to clients. Added a parser for CSS (Stylesheets) to detect included files and images. The default directory for configuration files is /etc/wwwoffle. Remove the enable-modify-online option (no penalty for modifying online). Handle deflate compression (the commonly implemented but wrong version). Guess the compression type coming from servers (don't believe the headers). Stop infinite recursion when following Location headers or Meta Refresh tags. Stop infinite recursion if images are actually HTML (e.g. non-404 error pages). Fetch images etc in pages with error status codes. New Options Added options to enable chunked encoding from servers and to clients. Added an option to disable the use of Etag as a cache validator. Added an option to force the insertion of a User-Agent header. Added an option to not make conditional requests to specified hosts. Added an option to fetch the favourite/shortcut icons automatically. The *-no-cache options now appear in OnlineOptions and OfflineOptions. Add an option to disable cookies from being set by HTML meta tags. Programs: Added '-g' option to wwwoffle to fetch no images, stylesheets etc. *NOTE* The enable-modify-online option has been removed (there is now no extra penalty to pay to perform modifications online compared to offline) *NOTE* The default location for the configuration file(s) is now /etc/wwwoffle/. Version 2.7i of WWWOFFLE never released --------------------------------------- Bug Fixes: Allow viewing Javascript source in info pages. Make parsing of monitor option day/hour ranges more robust. Show correct times for URLs monitored every hour. Remove newline from end of line when calling syslog. Preserve username and password in FTP links. Version 2.7h of WWWOFFLE released : Sun Jan 12 09:30:00 2003 ------------------------------------------------------------ Bug Fixes: Have more verbose error messages for invalid POST requests. Fix the way the upgrade-config script handles the no-lasttime-index to create-history-indexes change. Change the way that the user selects to view request headers on the info pages. Handle Accept-Language header more robustly. *NOTE* This version contains some security related fixes and should be used in preference to earlier versions. Version 2.7g of WWWOFFLE released : Sat Nov 30 09:30:00 2002 ------------------------------------------------------------ Bug Fixes: When modifying HTML links to same page are displayed as cached. Only censor headers for SSL if using another proxy. Don't re-fetch FTP files of the same date as cached one. Change some HTTP error codes to 500 instead of 200. Insert empty ALT tags when removing images. Delete zero length cached files when requested offline. Fix parsing of '-c' option in wwwoffle-tools. New Features: Added a cache-control-no-cache option which works like pragma-no-cache. Renamed no-lasttime-index to create-history-indexes and reversed its meaning. If a CGI returns a HTTP status line at the top then keep it. Added some web pages that will show the headers and content of cached pages. Allow -1 to be used for max-size and min-free to ignore the options. Write the unmodified header from the server to the cache when online. *NOTE* The URL for the URL specific index has changed. Instead of '/index/url/?xxx' it is '/index/url?xxx'. *NOTE* The URL for configuration page editing a specific URL has changed. Instead of '/configuration/xxx?url=yyy' it is '/configuration/xxx?yyy'. *NOTE* A lot of the message pages have been modified, if any of the WWWOFFLE generated HTML pages look different it may be a bug has been introduced. Version 2.7f of WWWOFFLE released : Sat Sep 28 20:45:00 2002 ------------------------------------------------------------ Bug Fixes: Fix the Set-Cookie problem again. Convert German characters with umlauts when generating HTML from text. Fix for partial decompression of gzipped pages. Close the client socket if the remote end cannot be determined. Fixed Namazu indexing script path error. Don't attempt to modify HTML if the page is compressed. Bug fix for allowing URL-SPECs to contain '='. New Features: Updated German translations (most were in v2.7e also) including README.CONF. Added a new question to the FAQ about startup error/warning messages. Several new items have been added to the contrib directory. Version 2.7e of WWWOFFLE released : Sat Aug 31 11:30:00 2002 ------------------------------------------------------------ Bug Fixes: Correct some invalid HTML in the message files. Fix some memory leaks, free some unfreed memory, check some pointers, close some files. Don't send the extra arguments to POST requests that WWWOFFLE uses internally. Removed segmentation fault potential when password not used in config file. Another fix for the cookie problem. Warn if running as root. Try both IPv6 and IPv4 socket binding (IPv6 may not accept IPv4). Potential bug fix for page corruption. Potential fix for IPv6 configuration on Solaris. New Features: Add an option to have case-insensitive matching for URL-SPEC path and args. Added the option to only fetch images on the same host (automatic fetching). Allow URL-SPECs to contain an '=' sign embedded in them (long time bug fix). The monitor options page now accepts ranges of hours or days (e.g. '1-5'). Version 2.7d of WWWOFFLE released : Sun Jul 28 16:30:00 2002 ------------------------------------------------------------ Bug Fixes: Discard POST/PUT requests that have negative content-lengths. Make the CanonicaliseHost() function robust to bad IP addresses. Fix some memory leaks, free some unfreed memory. Don't give socket error using '-f' option. Fix compilation on Cygwin. Fix IPv6 compilation on Solaris 9. Bug fix for v2.7c Cookie change. Don't replace '//' in a URL path with '/'. *NOTE* This version contains some security related fixes and should be used in preference to earlier versions. Version 2.7c of WWWOFFLE released : Sun Jul 7 11:00:00 2002 ----------------------------------------------------------- Bug Fixes: Install two DLLs for the Win32 version. Don't crash for HTTP servers that send headers prefixed with whitespace. Make the "edit selected entry" option work. Don't write uncompressed data to the cache with a header saying it is compressed. Be more lenient in detecting spiders that cannot make requests. The wwwoffle-tools programs now handle dir names as if they had http:// in front. Disallow wwwoffle requests for protocols that WWWOFFLE does not handle. Use the command line config filename in error messages. Fix to allow compilation on SGI IRIX. Handle XHTML style tags when modifying HTML. Updated setuid/setgid code. Some memory leaks removed and potential crashes removed due to using lint). New Features: Split up Set-Cookie headers since browsers can't handle them. Don't request deflated data since WWWOFFLE and servers don't agree on format. Added a form on the monitor options page to stop monitoring a URL. The confirm-requests option now asks for confirmation for page reloads. Documentation: Update FAQ to reference Privoxy as well as JunkBuster. Describe how to modify htdig templates to work with WWWOFFLE. Version 2.7b of WWWOFFLE released : Sun Apr 21 17:45:00 2002 ------------------------------------------------------------ Bug Fixes: Ensure that only one argument is given to wwwoffle -o or -O. Some more version 2.7 documentation updates. Fix crash using 'wwwoffle -O|-o|-put|-post '. Put refresh URLs in the outgoing directory with correct URL. Delete auto-generated files in Makefile before re-generating. Choosing 'edit selected item' in configuration pages shows current values. Fix potential crash with wwwoffle-hash. Put a DESTDIR variable in Makefile for easier installation. Fix parsing IPv6 addresses in script. Makefile change for FreeBSD make. Bug fix for the Alias section of the config file. Fix Makefile for Win32. New Features: Allow CGI scripts to be used with the built-in web server. Version 2.7a of WWWOFFLE released : Sun Mar 10 16:00:00 2002 ------------------------------------------------------------ Bug Fixes: Ensure that the -put or -post options to wwwoffle have one URL. Fix IPv6 checking (configure fails if IPv6 not available). Fix conditional request problem (304 reply for non-conditional requests). Make the socket binding errors less confusing. Fix requesting of compressed data. Handle NULL strings in FTP code and parsing requests. Speed up wildcard matching of '/*' paths. When search script fails give an error not a blank page. The content-length header is not removed unless compression is being used. Fix core dump with configuration page adding first item to DontGet/DontCache section. Preserve cache file timestamps when compressing them. Handle relative URLs that start with '//'. Fix Solaris compilation problem with statfs/statvfs. Bug fix for failure to censor some headers. Remove the 'alt' attribute from disabled images when modifying HTML. New Features: Re-instate the old configuration editing web pages due to user demand. Allow wildcards to have more than two '*' in them. The script warns about URL-SPECs with path='/' not '/*'. Version 2.7 of WWWOFFLE released : Sat Feb 9 17:00:00 2002 ---------------------------------------------------------- Bug Fixes: Another fix for Javascript in HTML modifications. Stop uncompress-cache from crashing on zero length files. Include sys/time.h in various files. Fix another bug with script removal when modifying HTML. Make 'wwwoffle URL' put a request in outgoing in all cases. Fix the configuration editing when there are no entries for an item. Make 'wwwoffle URL' put a request in outgoing even if already cached. Choose client compression based on q factor. Fix bug with gethostbyaddr() parameters. Documentation and HTML message updates. HTML parser updates for Javascript. Improved socket error messages. Stop permanent lockup in case of parsing error. Configuration editing doesn't crash if file is not writable. Better handling of FTP servers that can't handle EPSV command. Fix ConfirmRequest option. New Features: Added the option to re-request URLs that contain a redirection to another URL. Display the current value of the item in the configuration URL page. Make the referer-self and referer-self-dir options add headers if none present. Disable HTML modifications when a 'Cache-Control: no-transform' header is seen. Translations: Updated translated pages for French, Dutch and Polish Languages. *NOTE* The default location of the WWWOFFLE configuration file is now in /etc. *NOTE* The files that store the monitor time information in the old format are not now accepted and a warning is printed. *NOTE* The last monitored time is now stored in the monitor time file timestamp this will cause all monitored pages to be fetched once after upgrade. *NOTE* The parsing of the configuration file is now more strict, especially for URL-SPECIFICATIONs. For example the URL-SPECIFICATION '*:/*.foo/' matches only one URL path '/' while '*:/*.foo' and '*:/*.foo/*' both match all URLs on the host. Invalid values will abort the program. *NOTE* The WWWOFFLE cache directory has been re-organised. A new sub-directory called 'search' contains the scripts that were previously in html/search, the web pages remain under 'html/$LANG/search'. A new sub-directory called 'local' now contains the local web-pages with 'html/$LANG/local' as a fallback if files cannot be found there. Version 2.7-beta of WWWOFFLE released : Thu Dec 27 18:00:00 2001 ---------------------------------------------------------------- Bug Fixes: IPv6 getnameinfo() bug fixed. IPv6 freeaddrinfo() bug fixed. IPv6 ftp bug fixed. Fix compile problem when not using zlib. Client acceptable compression type detection fixed. Upgrade config script fixed (purge age). Remove gcc warnings for xml.l and errors.c. Renamed UdmSearch to mnoGoSearch. Fixed bug with purge min-free option. Fix Javascript removal problem with ^M characters. Check the wildcards in URL-SPECIFICATIONs in the configuration file are valid. Distinguish between timeout and compression errors from the remote host. Delete the Content-Length headers from URLs that wwwoffle has uncompressed. Allow multi-line headers in requests. Don't request pages when monitor times changed. Give warning on error writing to cache (disk full?). Don't remove the If-Modified-Since header on non-cached requests. Fix iframe link finding error. Reply to conditional requests when online as unchanged if unchanged on server. Handle reserved HTML characters in FTP directory listings. Fix error finding iframes when finding HTML links. Allow the compiled in localhost to be changed. Change the default buffer size to 4KBytes to try and increase performance. Fix more Javascript removal problems when modifying HTML. Added a question about the order of URL-SPECIFICATIONs to the FAQ. Give an error if there is an equal sign in the conf file when not expected. Handle the 'Cache-Control: max-age=0' header from the client. Added an answer to the most common IPv6 questions to the FAQ. New Features: All message translations are installed and chosen by browser language settings. Added the option to use the Namazu and mknmz-wwwoffle programs to search cache. Removed the pages at /control/edit that edit the configuration file. Add a new set of pages to edit the configuration file, each item individually. Add the option to disable iframes that include URLs in the DontGet list. Add the option to remove shockwave/flash animations. Check the modification time of FTP files on the server if conditional request. Handle conditional requests that use If-None-Match headers. Add the option to cycle the lasttime/prevtime & lastout/prevout indexes daily. Add a timestamp to the lasttime/prevtime & lastout/prevout index pages. Added a summary of the quantity of files deleted and compressed by the purge. Added URL-SPECIFICATIONS for the options in the FetchOptions section. Programs Added a '-f' option to wwwoffled to simplify debugging (for development usage). Added '--help' and '--version' options to all programs. Add a '-status' option to 'wwwoffle' to get the current 'wwwoffled' status. The wwwoffle program exits with an error status when reporting an error message. Allow wwwoffle-tools to be run with an argument to specify operating mode. Allow multiple arguments to 'wwwoffle-ls' and 'wwwoffle-rm' programs. Add a wwwoffle-hash program (part of wwwoffle-tools) to print URL hash. Add '-c ' option to 'convert-cache' & 'uncompress-cache' programs. Make wwwoffle-ls output the time in the local language. Make wwwoffle-ls work if the whole directory path to the cache is specified. Translations: Updated translated pages for German. *NOTE* The default location of the WWWOFFLE configuration file is now in /etc. *NOTE* The files that store the monitor time information in the old format are not now accepted and a warning is printed. *NOTE* The last monitored time is now stored in the monitor time file timestamp this will cause all monitored pages to be fetched once after upgrade. *NOTE* The parsing of the configuration file is now more strict, especially for URL-SPECIFICATIONs. For example the URL-SPECIFICATION '*:/*.foo/' matches only one URL path '/' while '*:/*.foo' and '*:/*.foo/*' both match all URLs on the host. Invalid values will abort the program. *NOTE* The WWWOFFLE cache directory has been re-organised. A new sub-directory called 'search' contains the scripts that were previously in html/search, the web pages remain under 'html/$LANG/search'. A new sub-directory called 'local' now contains the local web-pages with 'html/$LANG/local' as a fallback if files cannot be found there. Version 2.6d of WWWOFFLE released : Sun Jul 1 16:30:00 2001 ----------------------------------------------------------- Bug Fixes: Fix pagination problem in wwwoffled manual page. Fix core dump with missing DontCompress section. Fix error with convert-cache and uncompress-cache programs not recognising valid configuration items. Fix harmless buffer overrun. Improve the URL decoded strings displayed in indexes. Don't complain about empty directory when installing. Canonicalise the pathname in URLs. Compile on __bsdi__ systems. Convert decimal IP addresses to dotted-quad. Add support for compilation on Apple OS X. Enable HTML modifications on URLs with error status. Use a case-insensitive check when censoring headers. Fix up HTML to that it validates with an SGML checker. New Features: Added IPv6 support. Added bind-ipv4 and bind-ipv6 options to specify local IP address to bind to. Added 'random' sort order option for indexes. Made index sorting use alphabetical as a secondary sort. Added HTTP/1.1 'Cache-Control: max-age=..' header handling (same as 'Expires'). Translations: Updated the Russian translations of the WWWOFFLE messages. *NOTE* The use of IPv6 in this version should be considered a beta quality feature. In particular I experienced problems on Linux kernels 2.2.18 and 2.4.5 when this was enabled. More test feedback would be good. Version 2.6c of WWWOFFLE released : Sat Apr 21 20:15:00 2001 ------------------------------------------------------------ Bug Fixes: Changed the HTML message pages to be HTML 4 compliant (use ';' instead of '&' for URL arguments). Fixed meta-refresh-self problem. Don't get confused by scripts when parsing HTML. Fix crash in convert-cache program. Made compilation work on SGI machines. Don't truncate partial cached file. Fix the request-changed option. New Features: Add comments where WWWOFFLE modifies the original page's HTML. Add the option to remove stylesheets, external links and embedded styles. Add the option to remove Java applets. Add options to remove links and replace images listed in the DontGet section. Add the option to not fetch webbugs (1x1 pixel images) when parsing HTML. Add the option to replace webbugs (1x1 pixel images) when modifying HTML. Translations: Added Dutch translations of WWWOFFLE messages. Version 2.6b of WWWOFFLE released : Sat Mar 24 14:30:00 2001 ------------------------------------------------------------ Bug Fixes: HTML parsing optimisations. HTML parser memory leak fixed. Fix stylesheet link parser. Stop cached pages containing trailing junk. Fixed wwwoffle manual page quote character bug. Fix problems parsing parameter strings in URLs. Fix ssl-allow-port config file parsing. Win32 Bug Fixes: Fixed the socket closing code. Documentation: Updated the README.win32 file. Updated FAQ to version 2.6. Updated French translated pages. Added a README.compress that describes the compression problems and solutions. New Features: Request data from servers is sent compressed, config option (see zlib note). Reply to client with compressed data if asked, config option (see zlib note). Compress the files in the cache when purging, based on age (see zlib note). Allow fetching in autodial mode as well as online mode. Version 2.6a of WWWOFFLE released : Fri Jan 26 11:00:00 2001 ------------------------------------------------------------ Bug Fixes: Fix crash with invalid entries in config file. Handle some invalid URL encodings that servers/clients use. Stop crashes when monitoring illegal refresh URLs. Handle malformed headers better. Check the DontGet section of the configuration file when doing SSL. Print error messages when starting on stderr. Read the configuration file if using wwwoffle-write. Fix bug with form argument parsing. Set fetch-stylesheets to true in the default config file. Bug fixes for modifying HTML with meta refresh tags. Stop duplicated items in the configuration file. Win32 Bug Fixes: Fixed logfile opening problem. Added a fchdir() function for Cygwin. Workaround Cygwin socket closing problem. Change the makefile for Cygwin installation (don't auto install .dll or .bat). Documentation: Updated the Welcome.html page to include more links to useful information. Include an HTML version of README.CONF in the html directory. Updated several README files and INSTALL file. Version 2.6 of WWWOFFLE released : Sat Nov 18 19:15:00 2000 ----------------------------------------------------------- Bug Fixes: Improve HTML modification for unterminated tags. Allow passworded pages to be fetched. Improve compilation on non-Linux systems. Fix bug with proxy config file entry. Fix an error with not truncating files. Fix an error with dir-perm and file-perm. Fix problem when getting pages with passwords. Fix problem deleting pages with passwords. Documentation: Added a note to the FAQ about DoS attacks and ipchains. Version 2.6-beta of WWWOFFLE released : Sun Oct 22 10:30:00 2000 ---------------------------------------------------------------- Bug Fixes: Handle usernames specified in URLs including the '@' character. Fix problems deleting URLs with arguments. Fix bug with recursive fetching in same dir. Retry the select system call if it is interrupted. Win32 Bug Fixes: Fix for local web-pages not being opened in binary mode. Compilation fixes. Internal Changes: Re-examined all URL-encoding and URL-decoding issues (small cache change). Ensure that the canonical form of the URL is used throughout. Changed the URLs in the indexes for monitor, delete & refresh. Documentation: Re-written the README.CONF file with new layout and more information. Added three more questions to the FAQ and updated several others. Configuration File: Allow many of the configuration file options be selectable on a URL by URL basis. Move some configuration file options around and create some new sections. Allow purge ages to be specified in larger units (weeks, months, years). Allow re-request times to be specified in larger units (minutes, hours, days). New Configuration Options: Add the ability to demoronise HTML (replace bogus characters with real ones). Add the ability to remove meta refresh tags that redirect browsers. Added the option to convert redirections to DontGet pages to errors. Allow the HTML modifications to happen to pages viewed when online. Add timeouts to DNS lookups to stop WWWOFFLE servers hanging up. Add the option to enable the use of lock files (defaults to disabled). New Features: Remove the index of the latest pages (was slow on big caches). Add an index of the pages that were in the outgoing directory last time. Change the don't cache option so that pages are not requested when offline. Allow password protected URLs to be deleted. Aliased pages now use a redirect rather than re-writing the URL. Make it safe to have symlinks in the cache. Searching: Changed the ht://Dig search URLs in WWWOFFLE from /htdig/* to /search/htdig/*. Allow the use of UdmSearch instead of ht://Dig. Contrib: Improved the script to show cache hit/miss status for requests. Version 2.5e of WWWOFFLE released : Sun Apr 2 16:40:00 2000 ----------------------------------------------------------- Bug Fixes: Changed the htsearch.conf file. Fixed a bug with ModifyHTML option on large blocks of text. Improved the lex parsers by using better flex options and re-coding parts. Alternative fix for the FTP listings with ':' in them. Change the values of the del-dontget and del-dontcache config file options in supplied wwwoffle.conf. Translations: Added Italian translations of WWWOFFLE messages. Contrib: Added some new files. Version 2.5d of WWWOFFLE released : Sun Feb 20 10:00:00 2000 ------------------------------------------------------------ Bug Fixes: Fix the permissions for the installed files. Remove the extra newline added to POST requests. Only clear the supplementary group list if running as root. Fix a bug with censoring headers on some systems. Now compiles on IRIX systems Stopped overflow of 32 bit integer when purging. Allow wrong reply to CWD from broken FTP server. Don't get confused by badly nested script or blink tags. Disallow the Accept-Encoding header on outgoing requests. Make the URL-SPECIFICATION in the config file have lower case for protocol and host. Handle the promotion of char to int in varargs functions. Modified the Meta refresh tag handling. Fix FTP directory listings for files with ':' in them. Translations: Added Russian translations of WWWOFFLE messages. Added Polish translations of WWWOFFLE messages. Contrib: Added some new items. Documentation: Fix the FAQ entry for DNS configuration problems. Add a FAQ entry about Cookies. Update the FAQ "who, when, why" section with the latest versions. Version 2.5c of WWWOFFLE released : Sat Dec 18 17:00:00 1999 ------------------------------------------------------------ Bug Fixes: Check that the filesystem block size is non-zero before purging. Make sure that SocketTimeout and ConnectTimeout are initialised. Allow SSL tunnelling to local network when offline. Improved HTML parser (fixes Javascript breakage). Handle servers that fail to send a reply header. Fixed POST requests to root directory (e.g. seti@home). Fixed HEAD requests when online. Made portable to OpenBSD. Clear supplementary group ids. Fix a file descriptor leak. Make sure that 'Connection: close' is sent for internally generated pages. Fix SSL via external proxies. Fix HTML modifications to invalid HTML format links. Set the permissions after installation better. Allow wwwoffle-tools programs to use compiled in SPOOLDIR. Server Features: Use 'LIST -a' on FTP servers to get better directory listing. Change FTP listings for symbolic links. Ensure that Content-Length on cached replies is correct. Version 2.5b of WWWOFFLE released : Sun Oct 24 11:00:00 1999 ------------------------------------------------------------ Bug Fixes: Fix possible bug with lasttime directory handling. Allow the wwwoffle program to make requests even if confirm-requests=true. Fix the problem with deleting all outgoing pages. Don't delete the backup web-page when online in case of error. Fix the adding of a newline to POST requests. Delete the incoming Proxy-Authentication username/password from outgoing requests. Fix some errors in HTML message pages. Mark pages kept from interrupted downloads so they will be refreshed next time viewed online. Parse HTML better on things that might not be legal tags. Configuration File: Added a mime type for PNG images to the default configuration file. Version 2.5a of WWWOFFLE released : Sun Oct 10 16:00:00 1999 ------------------------------------------------------------ Bug Fixes: Fix the dir-perm and file-perm config file options on big-endian machines. Fix the AllowedConnectUsers section of the configuration file. Fix the delete all options in the outgoing and monitored indexes. Fix the HTML modification bug that stripped out comments. Add an expiry header to the Confirm Request page. Fix bugs with links within the indexes. Fix bug in Send an extra newline after posted forms. Fix Makefile for Win32. Documentation: Add the WWWOFFLE_PROXY environment variable to the wwwoffle(1) manual page. Version 2.5 of WWWOFFLE released : Sun Sep 19 19:30:00 1999 ----------------------------------------------------------- Bug Fixes: Make posted requests with passwords work in Fetch mode. Fix crashes with some indexes. Fix htsearch bug with file descriptor duplication. Fix HTML parsing problems with badly formated comments. Use the Last-Modified time in the page header for If-Modified-Since requests. Return a Not-Modified reply if the Last-Modified time and the If-Modified-Since times are the same. Configuration File: Add the option to re-request pages that say they are not to be cached. Internal Program Changes: Use a new data type for the bodies of requests to handle binary PUT requests. Version 2.5-beta of WWWOFFLE released : Sun Aug 29 19:00:00 1999 ---------------------------------------------------------------- Bug Fixes: Don't allow re-requesting a posted form reply that has been deleted. Rare bug with monitor making duplicate requests fixed. Install the wwwoffle.conf file with permissions 0640. Don't recursively request URLs in the DontGet section. Show the lockfile error message without waiting if offline. Fix SSL handling with other proxies. Running ht://Dig does not change the access time of the pages. Fixed rounding error bug when purging. Win32 Bug Fixes: Replace the illegal ':' character in directory names with '!'. Configuration File: Using symlinks in the cache instead of using the Alias section is ignored. Added a connect-timeout option like socket-timeout but for the connection. Added options to set the permissions on directories and files created. Allow for censoring of incoming headers from server. Allow negation of hostnames or URL-SPECIFICATIONS in some config file sections. Add the option to have different replacement URLs for different DontGet URLs. Allow configuration file sections to be included from other files. Add the option to disable animated GIFs. Add the options to disable scripts and blink tags. Allow URL-SPECIFICATIONS to match URLs with arguments. Allow programs to be run when changing mode (online/offline/autodial). Allow partial pages to be kept for timeout and/or browser interrupted transfer. Add the option to continue downloading pages if browser interrupts transfer. Add the option to re-request pages that have expired while online. Server Features: The HTTP HEAD request method now works correctly. HTTP/1.1 requests are now converted to HTTP/1.0 for ease of handling. All pages output by the proxy now contain a valid Content-Length header. Use new FTP commands to get the file size and modification time. Purging uses a child server so that cache access is possible at the same time. Allow deleting more than one page from the index at a time. Allow the buttons for each URL in the indexes to be turned on and off. Include the option in the indexes to show all pages (ignore DontIndex section). Sort the indexes so URLs with passwords appear in correct alphabetical order. Allow the PUT method to be used, it is handled exactly like the POST method. The PUT method now works with FTP to send files to a server. Checks are made that the method and the protocol used are valid in combination. Control Program Features: The wwwoffle program now accepts -post and -put options to create requests. Internal Program Changes: Create temporary file for internally generated pages and modified HTML pages. Added new Header datatype to make handling of requests and replies easier. Re-written HTML parser and HTML modifier to make it simpler. Version 2.4e of WWWOFFLE released : Mon Jun 28 19:00:00 1999 ------------------------------------------------------------ Bug Fixes: Make purge.c compile on FreeBSD, Solaris, SunOS. Make the no-lasttime-index option work. Minor monitored pages bug fixes. Fix problem with translated page installation. Internationalisation (i18n): Added in more translated web-pages (French, Spanish) with installation options. Features: Add an option to wwwoffled to print the pid on stdout. Version 2.4d of WWWOFFLE released : Mon May 10 19:00:00 1999 ------------------------------------------------------------ Bug Fixes: Fix the bug introduced in the previous version that stops password protected pages from being accessed. Version 2.4c of WWWOFFLE released : Sun May 9 19:00:00 1999 ----------------------------------------------------------- Bug Fixes: Make the refresh-force option work correctly on the first level pages. Update the upgrade-config script with more MIME types. Fixes to the URL-SPECIFICATION parsing. Security fix for local web server and paths with '..'. Make recursive fetching of URLs with passwords work. Deleting a URL now deletes it from the lasttime/prevtime indexes also. Allow strange characters in web-page passwords. Fix a file handle leak with the built-in web server. Win32 Bug Fixes: Fix the call of the htsearch script. Open spool files in binary mode. ht://Dig: Allow indexing of the lasttime index (requires htdig version 3.1.0 or later). Internationalisation (i18n): Added in the first translated web-pages (German) and an installation option. Features: Allow links that have been requested but are not cached to be modified. Allow the lasttime/prevtime indexes to be disabled. Purging: Made the disk usage more accurate with block sizes and directory entries. Add the option to purge to leave a specified amount of the disk free. Version 2.4b of WWWOFFLE released : Tue Feb 2 17:00:00 1999 ----------------------------------------------------------- Bug Fixes: Fix some typos in the documentation. Allow recursive fetches to be requested online even if offline requests are banned. Reduce the browser timeout waiting for a page to become unlocked. Check the re-location pages when doing recursive fetches on the same host. Include all types of links and objects in the wwwoffle program file parsing. Document Parsing Added in parsers for VRML and XML documents (to fetch sub-documents). Add some more HTML parsing for HTML 4.0 features. ht://Dig Remove the CONFIG file, allow use with unmodified binary versions of htdig. Version 2.4a of WWWOFFLE released : Wed Dec 30 15:10:00 1998 ------------------------------------------------------------ Bug Fixes: FAQ to html conversion problem fixed. Some documentation minor changes. Compatibility changes for SVR4 unixes. Compatibility changes for Win32. Better Java class parsing integration. Problems with monitor intervals fixed. ht://Dig Upgrade the documentation to refer to the htdig-2.1.0b4 version of htdig. Version 2.4 of WWWOFFLE released : Sat Dec 12 13:30:00 1998 ----------------------------------------------------------- Bug Fixes: Compilation problem on FreeBSD. Socket name problem on Win32. Improved the handling of comments in the configuration edit page. Don't modify HTML links for protocols that WWWOFFLE does not handle. Reinstate the HEAD method, but still broken. Remove whitespace in message HTML page language parsing. Bug fixes for Stop infinite recursion when fetching pages with cyclic links. Fix the configuration edit textareas for HTML special characters. Cache programs The wwwoffle-ls program can now read from the prevtime[0-9] directories. ht://Dig Allow indexing of the ftp and finger protocols using localhost:8080 URLs. Include the icons from the htdig distribution for users that already have htdig. Index the pages that htdig indexes from so incremental digging works. Version 2.4-beta of WWWOFFLE released : Wed Nov 25 18:45:00 1998 ---------------------------------------------------------------- Bug Fixes: Fix the ConfirmRequests option. Stop disk thrashing when going online. More recursive fetching fixes. Purging: Purge the tmp files in the outgoing directory. Change files with a future datestamp to the current time. Server features: Added in support for the ht://Dig search engine. Allow Secure Socket Layer (SSL) (e.g. https) transparent proxying (tunnelling). Disallow HTTP methods other than GET, POST and CONNECT. Allow the monitor interval to be set in more complex ways (more configurable). Enable links in HTML documents to be modified depending if it is cached or not. Allow sorting by domain name in the indexes. Option to allow/deny proxy access based on username and password (HTTP/1.1). Do recursive fetching of Java class files (used by other Java class files). Made the HTML messages that WWWOFFLE outputs more consistent in formatting. Configuration File: Add a way of specifying if URLs are to be checked only once per session online. Added a DontRequestOffline section to replace the offline-requests option. Allow the Referer header to be censored in various ways. Allow the DontIndex section to be specified to apply to particular indexes. Added in wildcard matching for the hostname and pathnames. Version 2.3e of WWWOFFLE released : Wed Nov 4 18:50:00 1998 ------------------------------------------------------------ Changes to compile and run on WIN32 platforms using the Cygnus Cygwin dev kit. Version 2.3d of WWWOFFLE released : Sat Oct 11 16:30:00 1998 ------------------------------------------------------------ Bug Fixes: Fix the confirm-requests option. Make recursive requests work whether online or offline or if the page is already cached or not. Put the password in the RefreshWillGet message. Fix the LastTime index PrevTime version number. Version 2.3c of WWWOFFLE released : Fri Sep 18 16:15:00 1998 ------------------------------------------------------------ Bug Fixes: Handle the case of 'default' correctly when matching URL-SPECIFICATIONs. Version 2.3b of WWWOFFLE released : Sat Sep 12 12:40:00 1998 ------------------------------------------------------------ Bug Fixes: Request URL form now works while offline. Added application/x-javascript to the MIMETypes in the default wwwoffle.conf Version 2.3a of WWWOFFLE released : Tue Aug 25 18:50:00 1998 ------------------------------------------------------------ Bug Fixes: Configuration file reading of URL-SPECIFICATION fixed. Version 2.3 of WWWOFFLE released : Sat Aug 22 12:20:00 1998 ----------------------------------------------------------- Bug Fixes: Relocated URLs now get fetched even if not in a recursive mode. Password handling for command line requests added. problems with comments fixed. Server features: Add in an option to require confirmation of all offline requests for pages. Logging: A Perl script to collate the log information has been added. wwwoffle-tools: Can now read and write directly to the cache. Version 2.3-beta of WWWOFFLE released : Tue Aug 4 18:30:00 1998 --------------------------------------------------------------- Bug Fixes: The Netscape bug fix from 2.2c has been improved. Several recursive fetching bugs have been fixed. Server features: Store password protected pages with password needed to access cached version. Added a lock file for better interaction between fetching and online accesses. Made all of the index pages customisable. Purging: Can purge all pages from hosts in the DontGet and DontCache section. Purging can be specified on a URL by URL basis rather than host by host. Made the purge process clean out any junk files that should not be in cache. Index: Allow specified pages to be excluded from the index. Aliases: New name for the index section of the configuration file. Allows aliasing on the level of sub-directories not just whole hosts. Configuration file: Change the format of sections to allow a unified approach to URL specification. Allow a replacement URL to be used for those in the DontGet section. Version 2.2c of WWWOFFLE released : Fri Jul 10 15:30:00 1998 ------------------------------------------------------------ Bug Fixes: Added Solaris ix86 into the STD_ARG test. Stop crashes with monitor age of zero. Stop Netscape complaining about a broken connection. Make the refresh button work when online. Check the protocol and not-got status correctly when refreshing. Version 2.2b of WWWOFFLE released : Mon Jun 22 18:30:00 1998 ------------------------------------------------------------ Bug Fixes: Pass on the If-Modified-Since header to servers that are not cached. Check for If-Modified-Since header on local pages. Fix bug in header checking. Fix bug in meta-refresh requesting. Version 2.2a of WWWOFFLE released : Sun Jun 21 16:30:00 1998 ------------------------------------------------------------ Bug Fixes: Zero length POSTed forms work. All HTTP headers are tested without checking case. Allow access to other WWW servers on localhost. Ensure the installed html files are world readable. HTML Parser Add the BASE tag to the html parser. Control program (wwwoffle): Disable the add-info-refresh option when using 'wwwoffle (-o|-O)'. Version 2.2 of WWWOFFLE released : Tue Jun 16 20:40:00 1998 ----------------------------------------------------------- Web pages: Make the error message and other control pages user customisable. Added a built-in trivial web server for local pages. Added Netscape automatic proxy configuration file, a robots.txt file, the FAQ. Server features: Use the Host header on http requests to act as firewall and not as proxy. Changed a lot of the WWWOFFLE URLs to cope with customisable web pages. Indexes: Keep the contents of the lasttime index in some prevtime indexes. Added a 'delete all' button for each host in the protocol indexes. Added a 'delete all' button for the monitored index. Fetching / Refreshing: Get images from input entries in forms when parsing HTML. Follow links in image maps when doing recursive fetching. Allow recursive fetching of applets, stylesheets and scripts as well. Monitoring: Allow the monitored pages to have user specified intervals. Purging: When using max-size option scale the host's purge age to chose final age. Configuration file: Put the socket timeout value as a configuration file option. Allow fake values to be used to replace censored headers. Include a program to update the configuration file. Control program (wwwoffle): Add an option to wwwoffle to allow a URL to be output with header. Change the options used to select fetching of embedded images/frames etc. Cache format Added a program to convert the cache to the correct format (endian problem). Version 2.1c of WWWOFFLE released : Sat Apr 25 08:30:00 1998 ------------------------------------------------------------ Bug fixes: Bug with meta-refresh if URL is given as relative rather than absolute. URLs not deletable from info-refresh banner if they have an '&' in them. Bug in wwwoffle-tools wwwoffle-(ls|rm|mv). Version 2.1b of WWWOFFLE released : Wed Apr 15 18:10:00 1998 ------------------------------------------------------------ Bug fixes: Bug with the timestamp on the If-Modified-Since header. Name lookup for numeric IP addresses fixed for some UNIXs. Pointer confusion with isdigit() in URL parsing fixed. Lookup IP address and use that when checking allowed connections. Makefile fixed for SunOS/Solaris make. Version 2.1a of WWWOFFLE released : Sat Mar 28 17:30:00 1998 ------------------------------------------------------------ Bug fixes: Fixed the crashes that came from recursive downloads. Return the host indexes to having only pathname and not full URL. Version 2.1 of WWWOFFLE released : Thu Mar 5 17:50:00 1998 ---------------------------------------------------------- Bug fixes: Modified the ftp web-pages to work with Netscape. Explicitly deny access to URLS that include usernames and passwords instead of mishandling them. Allow '!' in URLs except immediately after a '?'. Don't recursively fetch, or get images, from pages with an error status. Follow Meta Refresh links when fetching. Use stricter checking in the config file. Allow a username and password to be specified for external proxy authorisation. Allow a username and password to be specified for different FTP servers. Specify the maximum age of cached pages to use while online instead of a yes/no. Allow users to cancel their own requests without a password (one chance only). Added an option to not make requests while used offline. Added an autodial mode that uses cached file if exists or gets from network. Provide an index of all files fetched while online the last time. Store a list of URLs to be fetched at regular intervals automatically. Keep backup copies of pages so remote server errors do not overwrite the cache. Added the finger protocol as an option. Add a WWWOFFLE_PROXY environment variable option to the wwwoffle program. Version 2.0c of WWWOFFLE released : Mon Jan 12 18:40:00 1998 ------------------------------------------------------------ Bug fixes: When using 'wwwoffle -o' stop core dumps, make HTML better, fix bug that stopped images or frames from being fetched automatically, stop HTTP header information appearing in browser, use add-info-refresh on all spooled pages even errors. Version 2.0b of WWWOFFLE released : Fri Jan 02 19:30:00 1998 ------------------------------------------------------------ A bug fix to stop crashes when used while online. Version 2.0a of WWWOFFLE released : Wed Dec 31 19:30:00 1997 ------------------------------------------------------------ Bug fixes: When purging it now deletes all appropriate files if atime is used, the default FTPPassWord code is more portable, forms using POST work, FTP access to Microsoft servers works, some Makefile fixes, MIME Types file extensions match more sensibly. Print more useful error messages for hostname lookup errors. Allow the error level for stderr to be specified on the wwwoffled command line. Added some more automation scripts to the contrib directory. Version 2.0 of WWWOFFLE released : Sun Dec 21 10:30:00 1997 ----------------------------------------------------------- Updated and improved all of the README files. Fixed several small bugs: Config file editing page file parser, closing outgoing spool file, Location header will not get missed in reply. FTP directory listings are now in clickable HTML format. FTP requests for directories without a trailing '/' now redirect browser. Added a button to the index to delete all pages from a host or all requests. Included some scripts to automate using WWWOFFLE (in contrib directory). Version 2.0-beta of WWWOFFLE released : Sun Dec 14 12:30:00 1997 ---------------------------------------------------------------- Upgraded the cache file format: More extensible to new protocols (ftp etc.). Better hashing function (md5, less collisions). Outgoing directory same format as cache. No 'special cases' in filename to URL conversion. URL-encoding of URLs handled better. Re-written a lot of the code to make it easier to maintain. Improved the index - easier to navigate. Pages that are requested but not yet fetched do not appear in index. Added in a '-kill' option to wwwoffle to kill the server. Allow wwwoffle to read a file to specify the links to get. Added a Mirror section to the config file for mirrored hosts. Rewritten the proxy section to allow different proxies for different protocols. Rewritten the DontCache, DontGet and DontGetRecursive sections to simplify them. Added in the ftp protocol. Version 1.3a of WWWOFFLE released : Mon Oct 6 18:00:00 1997 ----------------------------------------------------------- Fixed a bug where the index links did not work for URL-encoded URLs. Version 1.3 of WWWOFFLE released : Wed Sep 24 19:00:00 1997 ----------------------------------------------------------- Added an interactive configuration file editing web-page. Recursive fetching now uses more than one server process. Added in a DontGetRecursive section to the configuration file. Fixed bugs with recursive getting of pages containing frames. Proxy now recognises the If-Modified-Since header and gives suitable reply. Optionally ignore the 'Pragma: no-cache' header with a config file switch. Small improvements to the indexes. Added in a CONFDIR option for the configuration file location. Formalise the way that logical links work for directories in the cache. The loglevel option in the configuration file is now called log-level. Version 1.2e of WWWOFFLE released : Sat Aug 30 14:00:00 1997 ------------------------------------------------------------ Better handling of child servers exiting. Optimised outgoing directory for large numbers of requests. Added the age of the page to the 'add-info-refresh' option. Added in two new options to the wwwoffle.conf file: The maximum number of servers and the maximum number of fetch servers. The logging level of error messages. Bug fixes Recursive fetching could fail or hangup the program. URLS with names like did not work. Fix the outgoing directory index for certain URLs. Version 1.2d of WWWOFFLE released : Sun Aug 3 10:30:00 1997 ------------------------------------------------------------ Added in more information about the compile time options in INSTALL. Added the ability to index the outgoing directory. Added in the ability to delete pages from the outgoing directory and the cache. Version 1.2c of WWWOFFLE released : Thu Jul 17 16:40:00 1997 ------------------------------------------------------------ Added in a fetch-frames option that works like fetch-images but gets frames. Fixed a bug in the DontGet and DontCache sections ('host=foo' was broken). Fixed a bug that caused a proxy to be used for pages on the local network. Added config options for user/group id to run as. Make wwwoffled detach from the terminal when started (no '&' needed). Allow a HUP signal to force a re-read of the config file. Version 1.2b of WWWOFFLE released : Thu Jun 26 16:20:00 1997 ------------------------------------------------------------ Changed the operation of the 'wwwoffle -f' option to work better. Better handling of POST method - Works with posting to a URL with args. - POST method always gets sent again even if currently cached. - No longer allow refresh of a POSTed URL. Added an Options button pointing to the refresh page with URL filled in. - In the indexes. - In the add-info-refresh tag on the bottom of the page. - On the 'WWWOFFLE will get' message page. Changed the add-info-refresh time-tag to local time not GMT. Version 1.2a of WWWOFFLE released : Fri Jun 13 20:45:00 1997 ------------------------------------------------------------ A couple of minor bug-fixes for fetching and outgoing dir handling. - Possible race condition in outgoing directory. - Failure to get all pages requested in outgoing directory. - Refresh of remote host error pages gives WWWOFFLE error page. - Remote host error message handling improved. Added a 'wwwoffle -f' option to force refreshing of a page. Version 1.2 of WWWOFFLE released : Thu May 29 17:00:00 1997 ----------------------------------------------------------- Added the ability to get a URL from the cache using the wwwoffle command line. Added a config file option to use a file from the cache even when online. Added in a method of not getting files based on the file extension or host. Added in a method of not caching files based on the file extension or host. Recursive fetch while offline works exactly like when online. Recursive fetch can be limited to links in the same directory or sub-dir. Censorship can be applied to outgoing headers (username, browser version etc). Added in a Host header in HTTP requests for browsers that do not add it. Can now purge the oldest files until the cache is down to a specified size. Support 'Pragma: no-cache' used by browsers to force a refresh through proxies. Fixed a number of bugs that caused crashes due to signal handling. Zero length files in the spool are refetched or deleted as appropriate. Version 1.1 of WWWOFFLE released : Wed Mar 26 20:00:00 1997 ----------------------------------------------------------- Provide cache size information when doing a purge. Maintain directory access times even after doing an index. Improved the options for the recursive fetching using WWWOFFLE. Added an interactive page to the server for refresh or recursive fetching. Version 1.1-beta of WWWOFFLE released : Mon Mar 10 18:00:00 1997 ---------------------------------------------------------------- Added a Welcome Page with info and links to the index, control and homepage. Made the index more user-friendly and moved it to /index/. Added an interactive web page to control the server, as well as wwwoffle. Pages requested while online are refreshed only if newer than the one in cache. If the page requested while offline has been moved then the link is followed. Merged wwwoffles into wwwoffled to simplify them and allow future improvements. Allow wwwoffle to optionally fetch links from the specified page. Added the option to use syslog for messages as well as standard error. Changed to a configuration file: Removed the wwwoffled command line parameters. Added cache purge ages on a host by host basis, and mtime or atime choice. Added a list of server host names, allowed client hosts and non-cached hosts. Allow different proxies for different hosts. Added a password to control the use of wwwoffle to configure wwwoffled. Added an option to fetch images that are contained in requested pages. Added the option to put a refresh button at the bottom of every spooled page. Version 1.0 of WWWOFFLE released : Sat Jan 25 13:00:00 1997 ----------------------------------------------------------- Made POST method work for the more general case. Changed the way wwwoffle requests URLs, now the same as refresh button in index. Tidied up the code ready for first release version. Version 0.9b (beta) of WWWOFFLE released : Sun Jan 19 17:30:00 1997 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Added support for POST method, but no refresh available (impossible). Server messages have correct status codes. A server reply with code 304 does not get cached. Accesses to localhost do not go via the specified external proxy. Refresh button in index fetches or stores request and shows cached version. The index process does not modify the access time of the files for purging. Version 0.9a (beta) of WWWOFFLE released : Fri Jan 17 21:00:00 1997 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Localhost is not cached, all requests are fetched. Purge does not alter the time of the directories, and now works on access time. When connected, requested pages that are already cached are not fetched again. The index can now be sorted by time, or alphabetical, and can force refreshing. Version 0.9 (beta) of WWWOFFLE released : Sat Jan 11 13:30:00 1997 ------------------------------------------------------------------ The WWWOFFLE programs simplify World Wide Web browsing from computers that use intermittent (dial-up) connections to the internet. - Caching of pages that are viewed while connected for review later. - Browsing of cached pages while not connected, with the ability to follow links and mark other pages for download. - Downloading of specified pages non-interactively. - Command line interface to select pages for downloading. - Index of pages stored in cache for easy selection.