Begin3 Title: WWWOFFLE - World Wide Web Offline Explorer Version: 2.9g [Mar-27-11] Entered-date: 27MAR11 Description: A proxy HTTP/FTP server for computers with intermittent internet access. - Caching of pages viewed while connected for review later. - Browsing of cached pages while not connected, with the ability to follow links and mark other pages for download. - Downloading of specified pages non-interactively. - Monitoring of pages for regular download. - Multiple indices of pages stored in cache for easy selection. - Interactive or command line option to select pages for fetching individually or recursively. - All options controlled using a simple configuration file with web pages to edit it. Keywords: WWW HTTP FTP proxy offline server Author: Maintained-by: Primary-site: /download-wwwoffle 1068k wwwoffle-2.9g.tgz Alternate-site: /download-wwwoffle Original-site: Platforms: UNIX Copying-policy: GPL End